Funeral services in Oberhausen

With Memovida, you can easily plan and commission funerals in Oberhausen from the comfort of your own home. We are available to you at any time for any type of funeral and create simplicity through our transparent fixed prices.

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We are Memovida

Memovida Oberhausen: Innovative funeral culture in the Ruhr region. We provide you with uncomplicated and transparent support.

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Acute death

Find out now what needs to be done for the last journey. We're here to support you every step of the way. Call us anytime, 24 hours a day or create an offer online.

What is to be done

Funeral provision

With a funeral plan, you can relieve your loved ones and shape your last journey independently. Make clever provisions with an escrow account — transparently and flexibly.

Learn more

What happens at a acute death?

1. Issuance of the death certificate

After the death has occurred, after the certain signs of death (corpse stains and rigor mortis) have been identified, the death certificate is filled out by the doctor at the first morgue. The death certificate, also known as a death certificate or morgue certificate, records the exact time of death (day and time), the type of death (natural/not natural) and the exact cause of death.

2. Appointment of funeral home

After the doctor has issued the death certificate, a funeral home can be commissioned to organise the funeral. To do so, you are welcome to contact us by telephone at any time of the day or night, any day of the week.

3. Transfer & supply

After we have been commissioned for the funeral, we organise the transfer of the deceased person from the place of death (e.g. from home, from a nursing home or hospital). After collection, the deceased person is hygienically cared for, clothed and placed in a coffin. We also take care of any further transfer afterwards, e.g. to the crematorium or the cemetery.

4. Death certificate & death certificates

We report the death to the registry office and apply for the death certificates for you. For this, we need the following documents from the deceased person: identity card/registration register, birth certificate (if single), marriage certificate (if married), death certificate from the partner (if deceased), divorce decree (if divorced). If documents are missing, we can also organize them.

5. Selecting the type of burial

If not already done at the beginning, select the desired type of burial: e.g. fire or earth burial in a cemetery, tree burial in a rest forest or cemetery forest, or a sea burial in the North or Baltic Sea.

6. Organization of burial with/without celebration

We help you organise the funeral and arrange the date with the place of burial. If a life & farewell party is still required, we coordinate the planning, from decoration to musical accompaniment.

7. Cancellations & retirement

After the death certificates have been issued, all cancellations can be made with them. In most cases, copies of the document are sufficient. If you are entitled to a widow's or widower's pension, we will apply for the 3-month transitional pension (quarter of death) for you.

Sarg bei einer Trauerfeier

Our customers appreciate us

Discover how we helped others during their most difficult time: customer testimonials that come from the heart.

Google Bewertung Memovida

Many thanks to the entire team for their sensitive and professional support during one of our most difficult hours. The dignity and respect with which you arranged my father's funeral was exceptional. It gave us comfort and made it a little easier to say goodbye.

Lisa B.

We were overwhelmed by the patience and understanding that was shown to us during the planning phase. Each of our questions was answered with great care and attention, which helped us a lot during this confusing time.

Markus K.

The celebration in memory of my mother was beautiful and reflected exactly the life she led. You've managed to tell their story with so much attention to detail. We are deeply grateful to you for that.

Francesca B.

I would like to thank you for the exceptional support you have provided to my family throughout the grief coping period. The way you guided us through the process was invaluable. Your compassion and professionalism have left a lasting impression.

Dieter M.

Unsere Festpreise für Bestattungen in Oberhausen

Für uns steht Transparenz an oberster Stelle. Dies spiegelt sich auch in unseren Preisen wieder: Unsere Preise sind Rundum-sorglos-Pakete ohne zusätzliche oder versteckte Kosten.


Das Paket FEUER ist sowohl für eine Urnenbeisetzung auf einem Friedhof geeignet als auch für alternative Bestattungsarten.


Unser transparenter Festpreis:

1.850 €

  • Individuelle Beratung via Telefon oder online
  • Überführung vom Sterbeort, zum Krematorium und zum Bestattungsort innerhalb Deutschlands
  • Versorgung des/der Verstorbenen, inkl. Einkleidung und Einbettung
  • Schlichter Sarg für die Einäscherung inkl. Ausstattung
    (Die Kosten für einen Kremationssarg sind bei anderen Bestattungsunternehmen teilweise nicht im Preis enthalten)
  • Kosten für das Krematorium sowie für die zweite Leichenschau
    (Die Kosten für das Krematorium sind bei anderen Bestattungsunternehmen oft nicht im Preis enthalten)
  • Verwahrung der Urne bis zur Beisetzung
  • Anmeldung und Koordination mit dem Beisetzungsort
  • Meldung des Sterbefalls beim Standesamt (Sterbefallanzeige) sowie Beantragung von zwei Sterbeurkunden
  • Beantragung von benötigten Dokumenten (z.B. Eheurkunde oder Scheidungsurteil) falls nicht vorhanden
  • Abmeldungen bei der Krankenkasse und der Rente, ggf. Beantragung der 3-monatigen Übergangsrente (Witwen-/ Witwerrente auch Sterbevierteljahr genannt)
  • Auswahl einer Schmuckurne aus unserem Sortiment an Komfort-Urnen - hier geht's zur Urnenauswahl
    (Die Kosten einer Schmuckurne sind bei anderen Bestattungsunternehmen oft nicht im Preis enthalten)

Paket ERDE

Eine Erdbestattung mit allen was Sie dafür benötigen. Auch der Sarg ist bereits im Paketpreis enthalten.


Unser transparenter Festpreis:

2.700 €

  • Individuelle Beratung via Telefon oder online
  • Überführung vom Sterbeort und zum Bestattungsort innerhalb Deutschlands
  • Versorgung des/der Verstorbenen, inkl. Einkleidung und Einbettung
  • Auswahl eines Sargs aus unserem Sortiment an Särgen - hier geht's zur Auswahl an Särgen
    (Die Kosten für einen Sarg bei Erdbestattungen sind bei anderen Bestattungsunternehmen oft nicht im Preis enthalten)
  • Verwahrung/Kühlung bis zur Beisetzung
  • Anmeldung und Koordination mit dem Beisetzungsort
  • Meldung des Sterbefalls beim Standesamt (Sterbefallanzeige) sowie Beantragung von drei Sterbeurkunden
  • Beantragung von benötigten Dokumenten (z.B. Eheurkunde oder Scheidungsurteil) falls nicht vorhanden
  • Abmeldungen bei der Krankenkasse und der Rente, ggf. Beantragung der 3-monatigen-Übergangsrente (Witwen-/ Witwerrente auch Sterbevierteljahr genannt)

Kostenlose Beratung

Wir nehmen uns Zeit für Ihre Fragen und Wünsche. Rufen Sie uns einfach an und wir besprechen welche Optionen für Bestattungen Sie haben und wie der Ablauf ist. Diese Beratung ist immer unverbindlich und kostenlos.

Unverbindliche, kostenlose Beratung:

0 €

Memovida Beratung für Bestattung

Our promise: Real fixed prices with no hidden costs

Many funeral homes work with intransparent pricing models. Various additional items are often added to the base price later on, for example for coffin or urn, or for cremation. This makes cost control difficult for relatives and often leads to unpleasant surprises.

It's different with us: We strive for full cost transparency and real fixed prices.

Memovida transparent prices

Services and products included in the price

Many other funeral homes

Memovida Logo
Core services
This typically includes counseling, caring for the deceased and all formalities
Transfer at any time of day or night
There are often night or public holiday surcharges
Partial surcharges after a few days
Costs are often billed separately
Coffin and/or urn
Place and form of burial
See below for more details

Why is the burial location not included?

These costs vary from cemetery to cemetery and between the various forms of burial, such as burial with coffin, cremation, tree burial or burial at sea. That is why we will discuss this cost factor with you individually and find the best solution for your desired burial location or type of funeral.

Our types of burial

Discover our wide range of burials: from traditional burials to modern cremations to unique options such as forest burials, sea burials and more. Every form of burial offers a dignified and respectful way to say goodbye. We would be happy to advise you.

All types of burial

We are always available



We're here to help you at every stage of planning. Choose the way that's right for you to get in touch with us. We take time for you and your concerns.

Create an offer
  • Call us for immediate assistance and personalized advice. Our team is always ready to answer your questions.

  • Send us an email if you have a detailed request. We always answer as quickly as possible.

  • Create an offer yourself online in real time. This gives you a direct overview of possible funeral options and corresponding costs.