Our prices

Transparency is our top priority. This is also reflected in our prices: Our prices are all-round carefree packages with no additional or hidden costs.

Advice over the phone or on site
As unique as every person
From pricing to processes

Our fixed prices for funerals

Transparency is our top priority. This is also reflected in our prices: Our prices are all-round carefree packages with no additional or hidden costs.

burial COMFORT

Our comfort offer offers all necessary services for simple cremation with individual advice.

Tree burial
Burial at sea

Our transparent fixed price:


  • Individuelle Beratung via Telefon oder online
  • Überführung vom Sterbeort, zum Krematorium und zum Bestattungsort innerhalb Deutschlands
  • Versorgung des/der Verstorbenen, inkl. Einkleidung und Einbettung
  • Schlichter Sarg für die Einäscherung inkl. Ausstattung
    (Die Kosten für einen Kremationssarg sind bei anderen Bestattungsunternehmen teilweise nicht im Preis enthalten)
  • Kosten für das Krematorium sowie für die zweite Leichenschau
    (Die Kosten für das Krematorium sind bei anderen Bestattungsunternehmen oft nicht im Preis enthalten)
  • Verwahrung der Urne bis zur Beisetzung
  • Anmeldung und Koordination mit dem Beisetzungsort
  • Meldung des Sterbefalls beim Standesamt (Sterbefallanzeige) sowie Beantragung von zwei Sterbeurkunden
  • Beantragung von benötigten Dokumenten (z.B. Eheurkunde oder Scheidungsurteil) falls nicht vorhanden
  • Abmeldungen bei der Krankenkasse und der Rente, ggf. Beantragung der 3-monatigen Übergangsrente (Witwen-/ Witwerrente auch Sterbevierteljahr genannt)
  • Auswahl einer Schmuckurne aus unserem Sortiment an Komfort-Urnen - hier geht's zur Urnenauswahl
    (Die Kosten einer Schmuckurne sind bei anderen Bestattungsunternehmen oft nicht im Preis enthalten)

burial ERDE

Eine Erdbestattung mit allen was Sie dafür benötigen. Auch der Sarg ist bereits im Paketpreis enthalten.


Our transparent fixed price:


  • Individuelle Beratung via Telefon oder online
  • Überführung vom Sterbeort und zum Bestattungsort innerhalb Deutschlands
  • Versorgung des/der Verstorbenen, inkl. Einkleidung und Einbettung
  • Auswahl eines Sargs aus unserem Sortiment an Särgen - hier geht's zur Auswahl an Särgen
    (Die Kosten für einen Sarg bei Erdbestattungen sind bei anderen Bestattungsunternehmen oft nicht im Preis enthalten)
  • Verwahrung/Kühlung bis zur Beisetzung
  • Anmeldung und Koordination mit dem Beisetzungsort
  • Meldung des Sterbefalls beim Standesamt (Sterbefallanzeige) sowie Beantragung von drei Sterbeurkunden
  • Beantragung von benötigten Dokumenten (z.B. Eheurkunde oder Scheidungsurteil) falls nicht vorhanden
  • Abmeldungen bei der Krankenkasse und der Rente, ggf. Beantragung der 3-monatigen-Übergangsrente (Witwen-/ Witwerrente auch Sterbevierteljahr genannt)

Free guidance

We take time to answer your questions and requests. Just give us a call and we'll discuss your options for funerals and what the process is. This consultation is always non-binding and free of charge.

Non-binding, free consultation:


Memovida Beratung für Bestattung

Our customers appreciate us

Discover how we helped others during their most difficult time: customer testimonials that come from the heart.

Google Bewertung Memovida

Many thanks to the entire team for their sensitive and professional support during one of our most difficult hours. The dignity and respect with which you arranged my father's funeral was exceptional. It gave us comfort and made it a little easier to say goodbye.

Lisa B.

We were overwhelmed by the patience and understanding that was shown to us during the planning phase. Each of our questions was answered with great care and attention, which helped us a lot during this confusing time.

Markus K.

The celebration in memory of my mother was beautiful and reflected exactly the life she led. You've managed to tell their story with so much attention to detail. We are deeply grateful to you for that.

Francesca B.

I would like to thank you for the exceptional support you have provided to my family throughout the grief coping period. The way you guided us through the process was invaluable. Your compassion and professionalism have left a lasting impression.

Dieter M.

Our promise: Real fixed prices with no hidden costs

Many funeral homes work with intransparent cost models. Various additional items are often added to the base price later on, for example for coffin or urn, or for cremation. This makes cost control difficult for relatives and often leads to unpleasant surprises.

It's different for us: We strive for full cost transparency real fixed prices.

Memovida transparent fixed prices

Services and products included in the price

Many other funeral homes

Memovida Logo
Core services
This typically includes counseling, caring for the deceased and all formalities
Transfer at any time of day or night
There are often night or public holiday surcharges
Partial surcharges after a few days
Costs are often billed separately
Coffin and/or urn
Place and form of burial
See below for more details

Why is the burial location not included?

These costs vary from cemetery to cemetery and between the various forms of burial, such as burial, cremation, Tree burial or Burial at sea. That is why we will discuss this cost factor with you individually and find the best solution for your desired burial location or type of funeral.

We will advise you personally

Feel free to contact us anytime if you have any questions about our prices or would like an offer. With heart and experience, we will support you on this important journey — so that you know that you are in good hands. You can find out more about us here.

Manuel Kaiser Lennart Berner Memovida

Additional options

With our options, you get an individual funeral according to your wishes.

Organization of the funeral ceremony (only in Berlin)

  • Personal advice on how to arrange a unique funeral ceremony according to your wishes
  • Handling of all organizational details, including location, decoration and musical accompaniment
  • Support from experienced staff to ensure a smooth funeral ceremony


Farewell speech (only in Berlin)

  • We take the time to learn the stories of the deceased person for an individual speech
  • Our professional funeral speakers can prepare funeral speeches in German and English


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