Funeral process

The loss of a loved one is an exceptional emotional situation. It is therefore all the more important to arrange the farewell in peace, individually and according to your own ideas.

In this article, you'll learn:

  • How a classic funeral and a modern funeral work
  • What you have to do at a funeral
  • What are the differences between a catholic, Lutheran or free burial giveth
  • What roles do music, decoration and processes play

By the end of this article, you'll know how to tailor the ceremony to suit your needs. If you have any further questions, our team from Memovida Feel free to continue in person at any time. Give us a call and let us make a dignified farewell together.

First steps before the funeral

The first steps after a death are often difficult. However, there are a few things that need to be done right away.

Call a doctorIf someone dies at home, a doctor must determine the death and issue the death certificate.
Contact undertakerAfter receiving the death certificate, hire a funeral home such as Memovida.
Have important documents readyProvide an identity card, birth/marriage certificate and other documents.
Arrange a personal meetingConsultation at home or with us to sort out everything about the funeral.

The consultation with Memovida

The focus is on your wishes

Together, we will discuss which type of funeral you would like and which form of funeral service is suitable — classic burial, cremation, Forest burial, Burial at sea or free burial.

Possible points in the grief conversation

  • Type of burial (burial, urn, natural burial, etc.)
  • Place, date and time of the funeral service
  • Selection of coffin or urn
  • flower arrangements, decoration, music
  • Design of obituaries and obituaries
  • Special farewell rituals (e.g. laying out at an open coffin)

You can request a non-binding offer directly to discuss your ideas and costs.

Create an offer

In 3 steps to your non-binding offer

You can make yourself a free offer here or simply give us a call. In any case, we will provide you with a non-binding consultation, discuss any questions you may have and how you would like your funeral to proceed.

Hygienic care and transfer

Bestattung Überführung

Dignified care

As soon as the decision on a type of burial has been made, we provide dignified and hygienic care for the deceased. On request, a open laying so that relatives can say their goodbyes in person once again.


  • burial: Transfer to the mortuary or directly to the cemetery.
  • cremation: Transfer to a crematorium, followed by burial of the ashes in an urn.

The funeral service: process and design

Die Trauerfeier: Ablauf und Gestaltung

The course of the funeral service varies, depending on whether it is a catholic, Lutheran, free or ecclesiastical Funeral acts.

Church funeral (Protestant or Catholic)

  1. Moving into church or chapel
    • Who goes to church first at a funeral service? The priest usually enters the church, followed by the immediate family and then the rest of the mourners.
  2. Worship or devotion
    • Protestant or Catholic liturgy with readings, prayers and psalms
  3. eulogy
    • Often by pastorsin or priestheld in. On request, relatives can contribute personal words.
  4. musical setting
    • Organ music, church choir or selected songs that reflect the personality of the deceased.
  5. Walk to the grave
    • The community accompanies the coffin or urn to the burial site.

Free burial

  • Freelance funeral speaker: Personal anecdotes, favorite music of the deceased
  • Symbolic rituals: Let balloons fly with messages, joint candle ceremony
  • Flexible frame: No church requirements, therefore other locations (e.g. forest, meadow) are also possible

At the grave: Last words and burial

The funeral service is followed by burial. In the case of a classical burial The coffin is lowered into the opened grave. Relatives may throw soil, flowers, or petals at the coffin. At the urn burial The urn is ceremonially placed in the grave or in an urn field.

Burial typeTypical processes
burialThe coffin is lowered directly into the ground, relatives can put flowers/soil in the grave
cremationCremation in a crematorium, burial of the urn in an electoral or row grave (or even natural burial, sea burial, etc.)
Tree burialUrn is buried at the roots of a tree, biodegradable material required
Burial at seaUrn is sunk in the sea, water-soluble material, often with or without accompaniment

For assistance in organizing your funeral — whether it's a burial, sea, tree burial or cremation — call us 24/7 and we'll take care of everything.

Call now

Our locations

In case of an emergency, we can be reached by telephone 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. We would be happy to organise farewell parties with you on site.

After the funeral: condolences and joint remembrance

Personal condolence

After closing the grave, relatives often line up to receive messages of condolence. A silent hug or handshake often says more than a few words. If family members are unable to receive condolence, please respect this.

Funeral feast or funeral café

A subsequent get-together helps many mourners and survivors cope with the loss. In a relaxed atmosphere, people talk about shared experiences, look at photos and share memories. This can take place in a restaurant, cafe, or at home.

If you have any questions about the morgue process and organization, Give us a call. At Memovida, we are here to advise you and show you suitable options in your area.

Funeral expenses

Die expenses For a funeral, there are different posts. An overview:

cost factorexamples
Undertaker's servicescoffin/urn, transfer, preparation, organization, funeral service
external costs (cemetery, fees)cemetery fees, funeral hall, grave use
individual designfloral decoration, funeral cards, music, funeral orator, special decoration

tip: The amount of the total costs varies depending on the type of funeral, location and individual wishes.

Ask Memovida for a non-binding offer — this gives you a transparent overview of possible costs. We value clarity and provide you with honest and understanding advice.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Who goes to church first at a funeral service?

As a rule, the priest or the mourner, then the immediate family, followed by the remaining mourners.

What do you have to do at a funeral?

Relatives take care of formalities (doctor, death certificate, funeral director), planning funeral services and burial, obituaries, etc. As a guest, you pay your respects to the deceased in appropriate clothing, express your sympathy and say goodbye in silence.

How does a classic funeral work?

  1. Consulting and organization
  2. Hygienic care and laying
  3. Funeral service (religious or free)
  4. Trip to the grave and burial
  5. Expressions of condolence and possible joint funeral

The process of a funeral in Christianity: Protestant vs. Catholic

Both forms include a devotion or mass with prayers, readings and sermons. The basic structure is similar, but there are liturgical differences. Protestant funeral services are often a bit freer in their design, while Catholic ceremonies are more ritualized.

The process of a free funeral

Instead of liturgical elements, you determine the content yourself: freelance speakers, favorite music, symbolic rituals. That gives plenty of room for individuality.

Find out more about the funeral process