Individual funeral in Berlin

Memovida is a funeral home in Berlin with a fresh approach to funerals. We believe in fair prices and individual support. In return, we listen to you and arrange the funeral as you wish, instead of following rigid traditions. With our transparent fixed prices, you don't have to worry about unexpected costs.

030 75436955
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Was uns wichtig ist

Personalized Support for Funerals in Berlin

Everyone grieves differently, and we respect that at Memovida. We know that funeral decisions don't have to be made immediately. Whether you opt for a farewell party, an alternative burial such as a sea burial or a forest burial in Berlin Friedwald — we will guide you step by step. Our job is to give you the time and support you need so that the decisions are tailored exactly to your needs. You can find more examples of our sensitive support here.

Transparent fixed prices

At Memovida, we attach great importance to simple and fair pricing. Our fixed prices include all regular funeral home services and ensure maximum transparency. Only the costs for the place of burial — such as cemeteries — can vary. We provide you with detailed advice on topics such as the cemetery fee regulations in Berlin so that you know exactly what to expect. We are also happy to assist you with special requests such as arranging a funeral service, including funeral service lyrics, music for the funeral, or an individual funeral service poem. You can find our prices here.

Was uns wichtig ist

Individuelle Begleitung

Jede und jeder hat unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse in der Zeit der Trauer. Wir wollen darauf eingehen und Sie so begleiten, wie es für Sie passt. Was meinen wir damit? Entgegen der allgemeinen Annahme muss nicht alles sofort entschieden werden. Beispielsweise können Sie sich auch noch 1-2 Wochen nach dem Sterbefall entscheiden, auf welchem Friedhof beigesetzt werden soll, ob es eine Baum- oder Seebestattung werden soll oder ob Sie eine Abschiedsfeier wünschen. Das gleiche gilt für viele andere Entscheidungen. Wir begleiten Sie Schritt für Schritt und helfen Ihnen, zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die nötigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Sie finden weitere Beispiele für unsere individuelle Begleitung hier.

Transparente Festpreise

Uns ist es wichtig, Sie durch eine einfache und faire Preisgestaltung zu entlasten. Daher arbeiten wir mit einfachen Festpreisen, in denen alle regulären Leistungen des Bestattungsunternehmens enthalten sind. Lediglich fallen noch Kosten für den Beisetzungsort an. Diese Kosten unterscheiden sich sehr stark zwischen verschiedenen Friedhöfen und Bestattungsarten (z.B. Seebestattung und Baumbestattung). Hierzu beraten wir Sie gerne. Wenn Sie über unsere Leistungspakete hinaus weitere Wünsche haben, wie z.B. einen Abschied am offenen Sarg oder ein Kerzenritual bei der Trauerfeier, setzen wir diese ebenfalls für Sie um. Sie finden unsere Preise hier.

Beratung Memovida

You can always reach us

In case of an emergency, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our pick-up team is also available 24/7.

Information about the process and what to do in the event of an acute death can be found here.

Bestattung - telefonische Begleitung mit Memovida
By telephone:
030 75436955
Bestattung - persönliche Begleitung mit Memovida
On site:
at Friedelstraße 40, 12047 Berlin
030 75436955

In 3 steps to your non-binding offer

You can make yourself a free offer here or simply give us a call. In any case, we will provide you with a non-binding consultation, discuss any questions you may have and how you would like your funeral to proceed.

What our customers say about us

Google Bewertung Memovida

On Friday last week, my mom went her last journey. With Memovida, we found lovely people who were available to us with advice and assistance, a bit unconventional but the best decision we could make. From start to finish, we received great care so that I had time to mourn my mom. Many thanks to Mrs. Haan for the lovely conversations on the phone and to everyone else who did their very best.

Jeanett M.

Der Service von Memovida war erstklassig: aufmerksam,
sachkundig und reaktionsschnell und berät ausländische Kunden zu
deutschen Gepflogenheiten. Die Mitarbeiter waren schnell erreichbar
und ich habe auf alle meine Fragen eine Antwort bekommen.
Herzlichen Dank insbesondere an Herrn Manuel Kaiser.

Pertti H.

Vielen Dank Frau Haan, ich war nicht in der Lage mich anderweitig um die Beisetzung meines geliebten Mannes zu kümmern. Was da alles auf einen hereinbricht und was man alles bewältigen muss. Plötzlich steht man ganz alleine da aber Dank von Frau Haan habe ich die schwerste Zeit in meinen Leben bewältigt. Die Trauerfeier war sehr emotional und Danke auch für Die Trauerrednerin. Auch mein Wusch nach der Ruhestätte wurde
erfüllt. Man kann ihnen gar nicht genug Danken so einfühlsam wie sie in dieser schweren Zeit für mich waren.
Alles liebe für Sie.
Mit freundlichen Gruß

Ursula Z.

In einer für mich schwierigen Phase war Ihr Unternehmen mit außerordentlichem Engagement,
absoluter Zuverlässigkeit sowie kompetenter Ausführung und exakter Einhaltung aller
getroffenen Zusagen für mich eine unverzichtbare Stütze und Hilfe.
Insbesondere möchte ich Ihnen, liebe Fr. Lübbert, für Ihre Empathie, die einfühlsame
Herzlichkeit, das Verständnis für jedes Detail und für alles was Sie für mich getan und
umgesetzt haben größten Dank und höchste Anerkennung aussprechen.
Sie waren einfach immer da!
Ihr Unternehmen wird mit der gelebten, konsequenten Kundenorientierung großen Erfolg
haben, dem können Sie sich sicher sein.

Reinhard W.

We are Memovida

at Friedelstraße 40, 12047 Berlin

Memovida offers caring, fixed-price funerals in Berlin. English-speaking support for expats and locals. Trusted help with farewells and preplanning.

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Our Services and Packages for Your Funeral in Berlin

We will arrange the funeral and the entire process according to your wishes. Whether cremation, burial, tree burial or sea burial — we listen to you and guide you every step of the way. At Memovida, we each offer a complete package for fire and earthquakes. These packages include everything you need, so you won't incur any additional costs.

These could also be your questions.

How much does the cheapest funeral in Berlin cost?

The cheapest burial is our anonymous package, which costs 1,700 euros, plus the cost of a lawn burial of 200 euros.

What is the cheapest type of burial in Berlin?

In general, it can be said that anonymous burials are often the most cost-effective option. This is mainly because this type of burial usually involves cremation.

Which is cheaper, burial or cremation?

In Berlin, cremation is generally cheaper than burial.

Your companion in Berlin

Christina Haan


I am Christina and I am a companion at Memovida. I was able to gain my entry into the funeral industry and my previous experience in a traditional house in Hamburg. My training as a grief counselor and my (ongoing) continuing education as a death beam have taught me to think beyond the last breath. In my work, it is important to me to take pressure and stress away from families and loved ones. It is important to me to convey that we have time to make decisions and to arrange a coherent and appropriate farewell together. Even after my support has ended, I am still there for families and loved ones.

We are there for you in Berlin

As with our fixed prices, we also want to make advice for your funeral in Berlin as uncomplicated as possible. The choice is yours: a personal consultation with us on site, a house visit in the Berlin area or from the comfort of your own home via telephone or video.


Friedelstrasse 40

10435 berlin

What makes a funeral in Berlin special?

Berlin is a city full of diversity — this is also reflected in the funeral options. From traditional burials in urban cemeteries to alternative forms such as tree burials or sea burials, the capital offers a wide range of forms of farewell. However, Berlin's urban structure poses particular challenges: cemeteries are often centrally located and subject to specific regulations, while alternative forms of burial are becoming increasingly popular in and around Berlin. Regardless of the type of funeral, Memovida will provide you with individual support and ensure that you find a dignified and personal solution.

Find out more about the different types of burial: Burial in Berlin, cremation in Berlin, Tree burial in Berlin, Burial at sea in Berlin.

Funeral Expenses in Berlin

The costs of a funeral in Berlin can vary significantly, depending on the type of burial chosen, the cemetery, the funeral service and individual wishes. In general, the prices for a simple burial in Berlin start at around 1,700€ for an anonymous cremation and can range up to several thousand euros for a more elaborate burial with a tombstone and funeral service. In addition, cemetery fees usually start at around 800€.

Factors that influence funeral costs include:

  • Cemetery fees: These vary considerably depending on the district and grave type.
  • Coffin or Urn: Material and design play a role in costs.
  • Funeral Service: Design, Speakers, Music and Decoration influence the overall price.
  • Additional services: Transfers, death certificates, grave care or special farewell rituals can increase costs.

Memovida focuses on transparent fixed prices that include all essential services. In this way, you always have an overview and experience no unexpected costs.

Detailed information on costs can be found on our page on Funeral expenses and Prices.

The specific process of a funeral in Berlin

A funeral in Berlin follows clear procedures and legal requirements. So that you are well prepared, here is an overview of the most important steps:

  1. Report death: In the Event of Death, a Doctor Must Issue the Death Certificate.
  2. Hire an Undertaker: Memovida organizes and plans the funeral according to your wishes.
  3. Provide documents: This includes the death certificate, identity card of the deceased, birth or marriage certificate.
  4. Transfer and storage: The deceased person is transferred with dignity to a cold room or crematorium.
  5. Determine the type of burial: Together, we decide on the desired form of burial.
  6. Make an Appointment with Cemetery or Burial Place: Alternative places such as sea burials or funeral forests are also being organized.
  7. Carrying out the funeral service: On request, with speaker, music and an individual schedule.
  8. Burial: The last farewell takes place.

Depending on the type of burial, there are specific regulations, such as the legal rest periods, which differ for each type of grave.

Funeral provision in Berlin

Early funeral planning provides security — for you and your loved ones. With a funeral provision, you can make a binding record of your wishes and secure them financially. There are various pension plans in Berlin:

  • Escrow account: A secure account that is created for a specific purpose for later burial.
  • Funeral insurance: Financial security for funeral costs.
  • Installment payments: Memovida offers flexible financing options to make retirement planning accessible to everyone.

With a funeral plan, you ensure that your relatives are not burdened with unresolved questions or financial challenges later on.

Learn more about Funeral provision In Berlin with Memovida.

Cemeteries & Burial Sites in Berlin

Berlin has a large number of cemeteries, which are divided into municipal, church and private bodies. Depending on the district and personal preferences, there are various options available:

  • Urban cemeteries: Many Berlin cemeteries have a long tradition and offer various types of burial.
  • Alternative Burial Sites: In addition to classic cemeteries, there are natural burial sites such as funeral forests (FriedWald, RuheForst, or Regional Providers) in the Berlin area.
  • Burial at sea And Anonymous Resting Places: For people who prefer an alternative resting place.

The choice of the appropriate burial location depends on personal, financial and religious factors. We are happy to advise you to make the best decision.