Aktion: Kostenloses Testament mit jeder Vorsorge
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We create the funeral that's right for you

Welcome to Memovida! We're a modern funeral home with a fresh approach to funerals. We offer individual support and transparent fixed prices instead of following rigid traditions. We offer our funeral services throughout Germany, with locations in Berlin, Cologne and Munich.

Learn more about us
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What is important to us

Individual support

Everyone has different needs during the time of grief. We want to address this and guide you in a way that suits you. What do we mean by that? Contrary to popular belief, not everything has to be decided immediately. For example, you can still decide in which cemetery you want to bury yourself 1-2 weeks after death, whether it should be a tree or lake burial, or whether you would like a farewell party. The same goes for many other decisions. We will guide you step by step and help you make the necessary decisions at the right time. You'll find more Examples of our individual support here.

Transparent fixed prices

It is important to us to relieve you of the burden through simple and fair pricing. That is why we work with simple fixed prices, which include all regular services provided by the funeral home. The only remaining costs are for the place of burial. These costs vary greatly between different cemeteries and types of burial (e.g. sea burial and tree burial). We would be happy to advise you on this. If you have other wishes in addition to our service packages, such as a farewell at an open coffin or a candle ritual at the funeral service, we will also implement them for you. You can find our prices here.

Beratung Memovida

You can always reach us

In case of an emergency, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our pick-up team is also available 24/7.

Information about the process and what to do in the event of an acute death can be found here.

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Our services and packages for your funeral

We will arrange the funeral and the entire process according to your wishes. Whether it's cremation, burial, tree burial or sea burial, we listen to you and support you every step of the way.

At Memovida, we work with one cremation and burial package each. Our packages include everything you need and you don't have to worry about additional costs.

What our customers say about us

Google Bewertung Memovida

On Friday last week, my mom went her last journey. With Memovida, we found lovely people who were available to us with advice and assistance, a bit unconventional but the best decision we could make. From start to finish, we received great care so that I had time to mourn my mom. Many thanks to Mrs. Haan for the lovely conversations on the phone and to everyone else who did their very best.

Jeanett M.

Der Service von Memovida war erstklassig: aufmerksam,
sachkundig und reaktionsschnell und berät ausländische Kunden zu
deutschen Gepflogenheiten. Die Mitarbeiter waren schnell erreichbar
und ich habe auf alle meine Fragen eine Antwort bekommen.
Herzlichen Dank insbesondere an Herrn Manuel Kaiser.

Pertti H.

Vielen Dank Frau Haan, ich war nicht in der Lage mich anderweitig um die Beisetzung meines geliebten Mannes zu kümmern. Was da alles auf einen hereinbricht und was man alles bewältigen muss. Plötzlich steht man ganz alleine da aber Dank von Frau Haan habe ich die schwerste Zeit in meinen Leben bewältigt. Die Trauerfeier war sehr emotional und Danke auch für Die Trauerrednerin. Auch mein Wusch nach der Ruhestätte wurde
erfüllt. Man kann ihnen gar nicht genug Danken so einfühlsam wie sie in dieser schweren Zeit für mich waren.
Alles liebe für Sie.
Mit freundlichen Gruß

Ursula Z.

In einer für mich schwierigen Phase war Ihr Unternehmen mit außerordentlichem Engagement,
absoluter Zuverlässigkeit sowie kompetenter Ausführung und exakter Einhaltung aller
getroffenen Zusagen für mich eine unverzichtbare Stütze und Hilfe.
Insbesondere möchte ich Ihnen, liebe Fr. Lübbert, für Ihre Empathie, die einfühlsame
Herzlichkeit, das Verständnis für jedes Detail und für alles was Sie für mich getan und
umgesetzt haben größten Dank und höchste Anerkennung aussprechen.
Sie waren einfach immer da!
Ihr Unternehmen wird mit der gelebten, konsequenten Kundenorientierung großen Erfolg
haben, dem können Sie sich sicher sein.

Reinhard W.

In 3 steps to your non-binding offer

You can make yourself a free offer here or simply give us a call. In any case, we will provide you with a non-binding consultation, discuss any questions you may have and how you would like your funeral to proceed.

Our locations

In case of an emergency, we can be reached by telephone 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. We would be happy to organise farewell parties with you on site.