Costs for alternative forms of burial

Tree burial from 3,500€, sea burial from 2,000€. Cost overview and tips for individual and inexpensive alternatives to classic burial.

More and more people are looking for alternatives to traditional burial or cremation. They want a natural, maintenance-free final resting place that meets their individual requirements. Tree and lake burials are particularly popular. But what do these alternative forms of burial cost compared to traditional burial? In this article, we provide a detailed overview.

Trend towards natural burials

There are many reasons for wanting a burial in the wild. For most people, the idea of becoming one with nature after death and supporting the natural cycle is paramount. The aspect of optical maintenance of a conventional grave site also plays a major role. Many people do not want to burden their relatives with years of grave maintenance and the associated costs.

Last but not least, it is often also a deliberate departure from traditional cemetery rituals and a very individual form of last farewell. All of these reasons mean that more and more people are opting for a tree or lake burial, for example.

Tree burial costs

In the case of a tree burial The deceased's ashes are buried in a special urn in the roots of a tree. This is done either in specially designated areas of forest (FriedWald, RuheForst), or in a private funeral forest. The costs for a tree burial consist of the following points:

  • Basic costs of undertaker services (transfer from the place of death, simple cremation coffin including equipment and rest shirt, care, coffin, transfer to the crematorium for cremation there) approx. 800 - 3,000 euros
  • Costs of cremation including a special urn for tree burials approx. 300 - 500 euros
  • Burial urn: from €100, see also cost of an urn
  • Fee for burial at a tree: approx. 450 euros
  • Badge or name tag on the tree: from approx. 30 euros
  • Usage fee for a tree or a place on a community tree (for approx. 99 years): from approx. 590 euros
  • Optional costs for funeral service, speaker, decoration: from approx. 250 euros

A total cost of between 4,000 and 10,000 euros is expected for tree burial. There are sometimes cheaper offers for a burial at a young tree or a community tree. The cost advantage compared to a classic burial lies primarily in the absence of grave maintenance over many years.

Costs of a burial at sea

In the case of a burial at sea The deceased's ashes are handed over from the sea by a ship. This is possible in many regions of the world, and the North and Baltic Seas are particularly popular. There are some differences in costs compared to tree burial:

  • Basic costs of undertaker services (transfer from the place of death, simple cremation coffin including equipment and rest shirt, care, coffin, transfer to the crematorium for cremation there) approx. 800 - 3,000 euros
  • Transfer of the ash capsule to the sea funeral shipping company from approx. 50 euros
  • Costs for a seaworthy urn: from around 100 euros
  • Fee for burial at sea (including charter fee, nautical chart, photos and speech by the captain): approx. 1,000 - 2,500 euros
  • Optional costs for funeral service on board, floral arrangements, coffee table, accompanying relatives: approx. 500 - 1,500 euros

In total, a burial at sea costs around 3,000 to 7,000 euros. This makes it often cheaper than tree burial. There is potential for savings if you refrain from an elaborate ceremony on board.

Comparison with traditional earth grave

A classic geodical grave in a municipal cemetery costs between 5,000 and 15,000 euros, depending on the region and duration. The lion's share of this is due to the purchase of grave sites, as well as usage and maintenance fees over 20-30 years. The costs for a tombstone must also be taken into account.

From a purely financial point of view, tree and sea burials can therefore certainly be cheaper than traditional burial. Especially when you include long-term follow-up costs. However, not only monetary reasons should play a role in the decision. It is much more important to choose the form of burial that best suits the wishes of the deceased and their relatives.

Alternative burials with us

As a modern funeral service provider, we at memovida offer you all options for an individual and natural funeral. Regardless of whether tree burial, burial at sea or other alternative forms - we will give you detailed advice on the various options and their costs.

In doing so, we calculate all applicable fees and services transparently. In this way, you can see exactly what costs you will incur and can exclude any hidden additional costs right from the start. On request, we can also organize a dignified funeral ceremony at your desired location, which corresponds to the character of the deceased.

Find the right place to rest

Whether you opt for a cemetery, a burial at sea or a classic earth grave - we will help you find the perfect place to rest. In doing so, we take into account both your financial options and your personal ideas.

In an empathetic, transparent consultation, we take time to address your wishes and discuss all options. We will show you where you can make sensible cost savings without sacrificing quality. In this way, we will work together to find the type of funeral that best meets your expectations and budget.

Let us create a dignified last journey together that reflects the personality of the deceased - whether looking at the sky under a tree or with the endless horizon of the sea. We're here for you. Your team from Memovida.

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