Burial in a resting forest

Baumbestattung im RuheForst

What is a burial in RuheForst?

A burial in RuheForst is a natural form of burial in which the urn of a deceased person is buried at the roots of a tree in the forest. This form of burial allows a final rest in the midst of nature, far away from classic cemeteries and tombstones.

Differences from other forms of burial

In contrast to traditional burials in cemeteries, RuheForst does not involve extensive grave maintenance. Nature takes on this task itself. Even compared to Friedwald burial There are differences, particularly in sponsorship and specific locations.

Why do many people choose RuheForst?

  • Natural resting place: The forest as a final resting place provides security and peace.
  • No grave maintenance: Relatives don't have to worry about designing the grave.
  • Eco-friendly: Biodegradable urns and the absence of tombstones protect nature.
  • individual design: The funeral can take place in a small, personal setting.

At Memovida, we empathize with you on this journey and take on all organizational tasks for a dignified burial in RuheForst. Feel free to call anytime.

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In case of an emergency, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our pick-up team is also available 24/7.

Information about the process and what to do in the event of an acute death can be found here.

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The process of a burial in RuheForst

waldbestattung im ruheforst.webp

A burial in RuheForst takes place in several steps, from the initial organization to the burial ceremony.

First steps after a death — we're here to help!

  • Contact us — we'll help you right away.
  • We take care of the transfer and all formal matters.
  • On request, we will advise you on how to arrange the funeral.

Organization and registration — What needs to be done?

  • Selection of a RuheForst location and a type of grave (individual site or family biotope).
  • Make an appointment with the RuheForst administration.
  • Planning the funeral service and individual wishes.

What documents are required?

  • death certificate
  • burial order or declaration of intent (if available)
  • Permission to burial an urn

The burial ceremony

The urn is buried on the selected tree in a dignified ceremony. On request, a funeral service can be arranged with music, speeches or religious elements.

Types of digging in RuheForst

In RuheForst There are two main types of burial: the Community biotope And that Family biotope. Both options offer a natural and dignified resting place, but differ in design and use.

1. The community biotope — individual places in the forest

In this variant, the urn is buried at the roots of a community tree. Other deceased people who do not have to be related to each other can also be buried at this tree.


  • Lower cost option
  • Grave maintenance is no longer necessary — nature takes over
  • A dignified and peaceful atmosphere

2. The family biotope — a common resting place

Here, a specific tree is reserved for a family or close relatives. All family members can be buried at this tree.


  • Joint resting place for the family
  • More individuality in design
  • Exclusive use for relatives

Costs of a burial in RuheForst

The cost of a Burial in RuheForst are made up of various components. They depend on the type of grave chosen, the location of the funeral forest and additional services.

1. What does a forest burial in RuheForst cost?

Prices vary depending on the region and selected biotope:

  • Individual place in the community biotope: starting at approx. 600 — 2.500€
  • Family biotope (own tree for relatives): starting at approx. 3,000 — 10,000€

There are also fees for cremation, a biodegradable urn and burial.

2. Additional fees and individual requests

In addition to basic costs, there may be other expenses:

  • Funeral service in the forest: starting at 550€ (depending on size)
  • Musical accompaniment or speaker: approx. 200 — 800€

3. Comparison with traditional burials

A burial in RuheForst is often cheaper than a classic burial, as grave maintenance costs are eliminated and no tombstones are required.

Memovida takes care of the entire organization for you and provides a transparent overview of costs.

Our package for a tree burial in RuheForst

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Flexible and individual for tree burial in a resting forest.


  • Individual advice via telephone or on site
  • Transfer from the place of death, to the crematorium and to the place of burial within Germany
  • Care for the deceased person (s), including clothing and embedding
  • Simple cremation coffin including equipment
    (The costs of a cremation coffin are sometimes not included in the price of other funeral homes)
  • Costs for the crematorium and for the second morgue
    (The cost of the crematorium is often not included in the price of other funeral homes. A second morgue before cremation is mandatory in Germany.)
  • Custody of the urn until burial
  • Registration, transfer and appointment coordination with the place of burial
  • Reporting the death to the registry office (death certificate) and applying for two death certificates
  • Cancellations from health insurance and pension, if applicable, application for the 3-month transitional pension (widow/widower's pension also known as death quarter year)
  • Application for required documents (e.g. marriage certificate or divorce decree) if not available
  • Selection of a decorative urn from our range of comfort urns - Click here for the urn selection
    (The cost of a decorative urn is often not included in the price at other funeral homes)

Options for arranging a burial in RuheForst

bestattung im ruheforst

A burial in RuheForst can be individually and personally designed. Although there are no classic tombstones or elaborate grave designs, there are various ways to make the ceremony dignified.

1st funeral service in the forest — farewell in nature

The funeral can take place in a small circle or with a larger mourning community. Many relatives appreciate the special atmosphere of the forest as a place to say goodbye.
Possible elements of a funeral service:

  • Free or religious eulogy
  • music (instrumental or sung)
  • Personal words from loved ones
  • Symbolic rituals (such as laying down flowers or leaves)

2. Which urns are allowed?

Since the RuheForst is a natural resting place, only biodegradable urns allowed. These usually consist of wood, clay or natural materials, which completely dissolve over time.

3. Natural grave design without tombstone

There are no conventional tombstones in RuheForst. Instead, it is possible to attach a small name plate to the tree. Some locations also offer subtle markings in the ground.

4. Musical accompaniment and personal farewell gestures

Many relatives want music as part of the farewell ceremony. The following are possible:

  • Classical music or sounds of nature
  • Live vocals or instrumental pieces
  • Personal songs with special meaning

Locations of Ruheforst-Funeral Forests in Germany

In Germany, there are numerous RuheForst locations, which offer a final resting place close to nature. Choosing the right location depends on personal preferences, proximity to loved ones and availability.

1. Where are there rest forest funeral forests?

RuheForst sites are located in various federal states and are mostly located in scenic forest areas. A selection:

  • Baden-Wuerttemberg Forests in the Black Forest and the Swabian Jura
  • Bavaria: Natural forest areas in Upper and Lower Bavaria
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: Burials in wooded regions such as Sauerland
  • Lower Saxony: Rest forests in the Lüneburger Heide and in the Harz
  • Hesse: Resting places in low mountain areas

There are other rest forest forests in Brandenburg, Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia and other federal states.

2. How do I find the right location?

  • Proximity to relatives: Many families want an easily accessible location.
  • Scenic environment: From rolling hills to dense forests — every RuheForst has its own charm.
  • Personal preferences: Some forests offer special tree species or natural monuments.

Alternatives to rest forest burial

Not every deceased person or family chooses to be buried in RuheForst. There are various alternatives that also allow a natural burial.

1. FriedWald — The best-known alternative

Similar to RuheForst, the FriedWald a funeral forest where urns are buried under trees.

Differences from RuheForst:

RuheForst and FriedWald differ in a number of aspects: At RuheForst, burials can take place not only under trees, but also under shrubs or stones, while FriedWald only offers tree burials. RuheForst allows flower arrangements for burial, FriedWald categorically forbids this. The number of burials per family tree varies: at RuheForst there are 12, at FriedWald 10. FriedWald works centrally, while RuheForst is organized as a franchise brand. There are also differences in costs and services, although a general comparison is difficult.

2. Other funeral forests in Germany

In addition to FriedWald and RuheForst, there are other private or municipal funeral forests, some of which have special offers:

  • Municipal funeral forests: Sometimes cities or municipalities offer their own forest burials.
  • Regional funeral forests: In some regions, there are local alternatives with individual concepts.

3. Tree burial in the cemetery

If you want a natural resting place but don't have a forest burial site nearby, you can consider burying trees in a cemetery.


  • Combination of traditional cemetery and near-natural burial
  • Accessibility is often better for relatives
  • Sometimes cheaper fees than in private funeral forests

Which form of burial is the right one?

Each of these alternatives has its own unique features. Memovida is happy to help you find the right solution for your individual needs — with dignity, empathy and professionalism.

Provision for burial in RuheForst

RuheForst Waldbestattung

The funeral provision in RuheForst makes it possible to determine during your lifetime how and where the final resting place should be. This relieves family members and ensures that personal wishes are respected.

1. Why is a Funeral provision useful?

Many people want to decide for themselves how their funeral will be arranged. Pension planning offers the following benefits:

  • Relief for the family — Relatives do not have to make difficult decisions in the event of bereavement.
  • Personal wishes are fulfilled — You can choose the RUHEFOREST location and type of grave yourself.
  • Financial security — With a pension agreement, costs can be clarified and insured at an early stage.

2. What options are there for financial security?

There are various options, a to financially secure the rest forest funeral:

  • escrow accounts: A dedicated account that can only be used for burial.
  • death benefit insurance: Insurance that covers costs in the event of death.
  • Direct prepayment: At some RuheForst locations, a tree or grave site can be reserved while still alive.

3. It's so easy to set your wishes with Memovida

We provide you with comprehensive advice on your Funeral provision in RuheForst and support you with all necessary steps:

  • Selection of a suitable RuheForst location
  • Documentation of individual wishes
  • Financial security and contract drafting

Memovida empathetically accompanies you through prevention and ensures that your funeral is carried out exactly as you wish.

In 3 steps to your non-binding offer

You can make yourself a free offer here or simply give us a call. In any case, we will provide you with a non-binding consultation, discuss any questions you may have and how you would like your funeral to proceed.

Frequently asked questions about burial in RuheForst

RuheForst Baumbestattung

How does a burial work in RuheForst?

After cremation, the biodegradable urn is buried at the roots of a tree in RuheForst. The ceremony can be individually designed, for example with a eulogy or music.

How much does a funeral in Ruhewald cost?

The costs vary depending on the location and type of grave. A single place in the community biotope starts at around 600 — 2,500€, while an exclusive family biotope tree 3,000 — 10,000€ may cost. There are also fees for the urn, cremation and any funeral services.

How does a funeral in the forest work?

The urn is buried at the roots of a tree in a dignified ceremony in the presence of the relatives. In contrast to traditional burials, there is no tombstone — nature takes care of the grave.

What is allowed in RuheForst?

Only allowed are biodegradable urnsto protect nature. Grave decorations, flowers, candles or other memorabilia are not permitted in RuheForst. During the funeral service, however, a temporary decoration can be placed at the grave site, which must then be removed to preserve the natural environment of the forest.

What is the difference between RuheForst and FriedWald?

Only tree burials are possible, RuheForst also allows burials under shrubs or rocks. RuheForst also allows the removal of floral decorations during burial, which is generally prohibited in FriedWald. The maximum number of urn burials on a family tree also differs — RuheForst allows up to 12, FriedWald a maximum of 10. FriedWald works centrally organizationally, while RuheForst operates according to a franchise model. There are also differences in terms of costs and services, but these vary depending on the location and cannot be compared across the board.

RuheForst locations

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