Anonymous burial: A dignified farewell in discretion

The anonymous burial allows you to say goodbye without naming or personal identification on the grave. Ideal for a private farewell without a fixed physical location.

The process of an anonymous burial

Preparation and implementation:
We take care of all necessary formalities, from transfer to burial. The anonymous burial can be carried out both as a burial in an unmarked communal grave and as a sea burial, depending on the wishes of the deceased or the family.

The funeral:
The burial takes place without a public ceremony, and there is no presence of relatives at the grave. This ensures complete anonymity and discretion in accordance with the wishes of the deceased.

Although there is no burial site that can be visited, we help families find other forms of remembrance that help them stay connected with the deceased.

Benefits of anonymous burial:

  • Discretion and privacy: No public attention or fixed memorial, which is a relieving option for some families.
  • Cost efficiency: Often cheaper than traditional burials, as there are no costs for grave maintenance or design.
  • Simplicity: Reduces the complexity of funeral planning and execution.

Questions & answers

Can we decide to set up a keepsake or a badge later?
Anonymous burial does not require personal identification of the grave. However, there are other ways to remember the deceased, such as a home memorial.
How can we be sure that the burial will be carried out with dignity?
Regardless of the type of burial, we guarantee that all procedures are carried out with the utmost respect and care.
Is anonymous burial legally permitted in every municipality?
The regulations may vary, but we are happy to advise you on options in your region and help you implement the desired form of burial.

We are here for you

The decision for a funeral is a very personal choice that offers many options for an individual and dignified farewell. At Memovida, we are at your side with our experience and compassion to shape this journey according to your wishes and ideas. Contact us to find out more and how we can help you during this difficult time.

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