Religious mourning sayings
Faith-related mourning sayings can provide support and comfort in difficult times:
“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live even though he dies.” (John 11:25)
“God says: I will not let you fall and I will not abandon you” (Joshua 1:5 b)
“Death is the door to light at the end of a journey that has become arduous.” (Francis of Assisi)
“For we have no permanent city here, but we are looking for the future one.” (Hebrews 13:14)
“Jesus says: For I live and you shall also live” (John 14:19)
“Love never ceases.” (1 Corinthians 13:8)
“He led me out, He set me free” (Psalm 18:20)
“God will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and death will be no more” (Revelation 21:4)
Mourning sayings from famous people
“You live twice: the first time in reality, the second time in memory.” (Honoré de Balzac)
“The bonds of love are not cut with death.” (Thomas Mann)
“Dying is just moving to a more beautiful house.” (Elisabeth Kübler-Ross)
“Only a few people are truly alive, and those who are never die. No one you really love is ever dead.” (Ernest Hemingway)
“Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled.” (Jean Paul)
“You cannot lose what you have deep in your heart through death.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
“Death is a horizon, and a horizon is nothing but the limit of our vision.” (Peter Streiff)
“Hope is like a ray of sunshine that penetrates a sad heart. Open it wide and let them in.” (Christian Friedrich Hebbel)
Mourning poems and poetic sayings
“And my soul stretched wide its wings, flew across the quiet lands as if it were flying home.” (Joseph von Eichendorff)
“When I'm dead, you can't grieve at all. My love will outlast me and meet you in strange clothes and bless you.” (Joachim Ringelnatz)
“A person who leaves us is like a sun that sinks. But some of their light always stays in our hearts.” (Unknown)
“There is suffering that foreign comfort does not tolerate, and pain that only time heals gently.” (unknown)
Mourning sayings for various occasions
Mourning sayings for the loss of parents
“You love your mother almost without knowing it and without feeling it, because it is as natural as life; and you don't feel how deep the roots of this love go down until the moment of the last separation.” (Guy de Maupassant)
“You're not where you were anymore. But you're everywhere we are.” (Victor Hugo)
“For a father whose child dies, the future dies. For a child whose parents areBen, the past dies.” (Berthold Auerbach)
Grief sayings for losing a partner
“Love is stronger than death and the horrors of death. Love alone sustains and moves our lives.” (Ivan Turgenev)
“Everything that is beautiful stays beautiful when it wilts. And our love remains love even when we die.” (Maxim Gorky)
“I'm going to the ones who loved me. And wait for those who love me.” (Unknown)
Mourning sayings for friends
“Friends, when the spirit is divorced, there is no tear crying for me, because where I am there is peace, there is an eternal day shining for me.” (Annette von Droste-Hülshoff)
“When we get to where you are now, we'll ask ourselves why we cried.” (unknown)
“Our dear dead didn't die, they just stopped being mortal.” (Ottokar Kernstock)
Faith, love and remembrance provide comfort in difficult times. We are here to help you not only with sensitive words, but also personally.