Special leave in case of death

Bereavement hits many people unexpectedly — but are you entitled to special leave? Find out when you are eligible and how to apply for it correctly.

The most important things at a glance

  • Special leave in the event of death is a short-term leave from work.
  • A legal claim only exists if Section 616 BGB applies.
  • Collective agreements or individual agreements often regulate special leave.
  • The claim usually applies to close relatives such as parents or children.
  • The duration varies, often granting one to two days.
  • Employers can exclude or voluntarily grant special leave.
  • Alternatives include unpaid time off, regular vacation or sick leave.
  • An early consultation with the employer is highly recommended.

What does special leave mean in case of death?

A death in the family or in a close environment presents relatives with major emotional and organizational challenges. During this difficult time, many of those affected need a short break from work.

Special vacation in fatality means paid or unpaid time off from work in order to

  • to process the loss of someone close to you
  • to attend the funeral or funeral service,
  • to regulate necessary organizational and legal matters.

Depending on the employment contract, collective agreement or legal regulation, the duration of the special leave may vary. Basically, this is a short-term leave, which is different from regular vacation.

Whether an entitlement to special leave exists and to what extent it is granted depends on several factors. Employers and employees should find out about the applicable regulations at an early stage so that they can act quickly in the event of bereavement.

Am I entitled to special leave in the event of death?

Whether and to what extent you are entitled to special leave in the event of death depends on various factors. Your employment relationship and legal and contractual regulations play a decisive role in this.

Special leave depending on employment

Employees without a collective agreement

  • The legal basis is Section 616 BGB, which allows paid time off if the work prevention is “not at fault”.
  • However, this provision may be excluded by the employment contract.
  • In this case, there is no automatic entitlement to paid special leave.

Employees with a collective agreement

  • Many collective agreements expressly regulate special leave in the event of death.
  • The duration and entitlement vary depending on the industry and collective agreement.
  • Employees should check the applicable tariff regulations or ask the works council.

Civil servants and public sector workers

  • Special leave is regulated in the Special Vacation Ordinance (SurLV) or the corresponding state regulations.
  • As a rule, officials are given one to two days of special leave to bury close relatives.

Special leave based on relationship to the deceased

Not every death in a personal environment is automatically entitled to special leave. Employers grant this primarily to close relatives.

Partner and close relatives

  • Spouses or registered partners
  • Your own children, parents and siblings
  • You are usually entitled to one to two days of special vacation here.

More distant relatives

  • grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, or cousins
  • As a rule, there is no legal claim.
  • Whether special leave is granted depends on the employer or a collective agreement.

Other related persons — special arrangements possible?

  • There is no legal requirement for unrelated but emotionally close people (e.g. foster parents or close friends).
  • However, some employers show goodwill and grant exemption on a case-by-case basis.

In 3 steps to your non-binding offer

You can make yourself a free offer here or simply give us a call. In any case, we will provide you with a non-binding consultation, discuss any questions you may have and how you would like your funeral to proceed.

How long is the special leave in case of death?

The duration of special leave in the event of death is not uniformly regulated and depends on various factors. Statutory provisions, collective agreements or individual agreements in an employment contract determine how many days off you are entitled to.

Statutory regulation in accordance with § 616 BGB

  • The Civil Code (Section 616 BGB) provides for “temporary prevention”, which allows paid exemption under certain circumstances.
  • The exact duration is not specified in the law, but employers often grant one to two days.
  • However, employers can exclude this provision from the employment contract.

Collective agreements and company agreements

  • Many collective agreements clearly regulate the duration of special leave.
  • Become common two to four days of special leave granted to close relatives.
  • Some industries have extended regulations, particularly in the public sector.

Individual agreements and goodwill from the employer

  • Some employers grant special leave as a voluntary benefit regardless of legal regulations.
  • In the event of sudden or particularly stressful deaths, an additional exemption may be possible.
  • Alternatively, you can regular vacation or unpaid leave be used.

Special circumstances that may affect the duration

  • Place of burial: If the funeral service takes place in another city or abroad, a longer leave of absence may be necessary.
  • Emotional and organizational load: In exceptional cases, a longer break may be required, which can be regulated by unpaid vacation or sick leave.

Apply for special leave correctly in the event of death

Family bereavement is an exceptional situation in which many organizational decisions must be made — including the question of taking time off from work.

How to proceed: Samples & formulation tips

To apply for special leave, you should inform your employer as early as possible. A written communication helps to avoid misunderstandings. A possible wording could be:

Sample request for special leave:

subject: Request for special leave in the event of death

Dear [name of employer/supervisor],

It is with great regret that I must inform you that [family relationship, e.g. my father] passed away on [date]. During this difficult time, I have to take care of the funeral and organizational matters. I therefore ask for Special leave in accordance with [collective agreement/§ 616 BGB] for the period from [date] to [date].

I am grateful for your understanding and am always available to answer any questions you may have.
[your name]

If your employer prefers a telephone call, you can first contact us informally and then submit a written confirmation.

Which documents are required?

Depending on the employer, it may be necessary to prove the death. These documents could be required:

  • death certificate — If necessary, Memovida can request them for you.
  • Confirmation of burial — Some companies accept confirmation from the funeral home.
  • Proof of family relationship — If not apparent from the death certificate.

We are happy to help you obtain the necessary documents and, if you wish, take care of administrative procedures so that you can concentrate on the essentials.

When and how should you inform your employer?

  • As early as possible: Even if it is difficult, inform your employer promptly so that they can plan.
  • Orally or in writing: An initial telephone consultation is often useful, followed by a written confirmation.
  • Direct line manager or HR department: Depending on the company, it is advisable to contact the right person.

Unsere Standorte

Wir sind im Ernstfall für Sie 7 Tage die Woche und 24 Stunden am Tag telefonisch erreichbar. Unsere Bestattungsleistungen bieten wir deutschlandweit an, mit Hauptsitz in Berlin:

Continued payment of wages during special leave — What applies to you?

A death entails not only emotional but often also financial burdens. Many relatives are therefore wondering whether they will continue to receive their salary during the special leave. The answer depends on various factors.

When is the special leave paid?

  • SECTION 616 BGB: If this provision has not been excluded in the employment contract, there is a right to paid special leave for a “short time.”
  • Collective agreements & works agreements: In many industries, there are fixed regulations on paid leave of absence in the event of bereavement.
  • Individual employment contracts: Some employers provide paid special leave on a voluntary basis — it's worth taking a look at the contract.

Differences between industries and employment relationships

  • Public Service & Officials: Here are often one to two paid days of special leave foreseen.
  • private sector: Differences depending on the collective agreement or goodwill of the employer.
  • Self-employed & freelancers: No automatic claim, loss of work must be organized by yourself.

What to do if the employer does not pay special leave

  • Search for a conversation: It often helps to have a amicable solution to find with the employer.
  • Reduce regular vacation or overtime: A pragmatic way to get free time.
  • Unpaid time off: If there is no other option, this may be an alternative.

If you are unsure what options you have, we are available from Memovida We are happy to provide advice — we know that the bureaucratic effort in such a situation can be overwhelming.

Sick leave following a death — an alternative?

Some people are so emotionally strained after a loss that they are unable to work. In these cases, sick leave may be an option.

Grief and psychological stress — When is a sick leave possible?

  • Severe emotional exhaustion
  • difficulty sleeping or concentrating
  • Depressed mood or panic attacks

A doctor can issue a sick note if the emotional distress is significant and impairs working capacity.

Doctor's certificate vs. special leave: Which is better?

  • special leave: Granted specifically for organizational tasks and funerals.
  • sick leave: Makes sense if the loss of mental health impaired.
  • Combination possible: Some take special leave first and then take sick leave.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to get help. We from Memovida They not only provide organizational support, but can also provide you with contacts with grief counselors and psychological support.

Alternative options for leave of absence in the event of grief

There is not always a right to special leave. In such cases, there are other ways to take the necessary time to say goodbye.

Applying for unpaid time off — When is that an option?

  • Falls no special leave granted Will, can you a unpaid time off apply for.
  • The decision is up to the employer, but it is often Goodwill possible.
  • Especially when organizing a major burial or in the event of deaths abroad Is this option useful.

Use regular leave for the funeral

  • If there are no other options, you can use regular Take annual leave.
  • In many cases, employers show Flexibility and provide short-term vacation.

Special vacation & home office — is that possible?

  • Some companies offer working from home from home at timesto take care of private matters at the same time.
  • This solution is particularly suitable for time after the funeralwhen it is necessary to restore emotional stability.
  • However, working from home is not a solution for immediate bereavement — during this time, it is important to concentrate entirely on saying goodbye.

FAQs about special leave in case of death

How many days off in case of death in the family?

The duration of the special leave depends on the employment contract, collective agreement or goodwill from the employer. As a rule, one to two days granted for the burial of a close relative.

Who is entitled to special leave in the event of death?

A legal claim exists only if Section 616 BGB has not been excluded or if there is a tariff regulation. The claim for death usually applies close relative such as spouses, parents, or children.

Will you be released for a funeral?

Many employers provide special leave for the funeral of a close relative. If there is no entitlement, you can apply for regular leave or unpaid leave.

How long do you not work if you die?

The time off varies depending on employer and personal circumstances. In addition to the special vacation, there is the option of to take regular vacation, yourself To have sick letters or a unpaid time off to apply for.

Please note that the information on this page is for general guidance only and does not constitute legal advice. As a funeral home, we are here to answer any questions you may have about funerals with expertise and support. If you need legally binding information on the subject of special leave in the event of death, we recommend that you contact a lawyer.

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